Tungsten Automation

Document capture and automated document management

As a long-standing Tungsten Automation Titanium partner, we have extensive expertise and can give you professional advice on fast, automated, secure document, data, and information capture.

Tungsten RPA

Robotic process automation

Tungsten TotalAgility

Business process management

More information:
PDF Datasheet on Tungsten TotalAgility
PDF Technical Specification on Tungsten TotalAgility

Can be extended with our enhancement packages listed below.

Tungsten Capture

Digitization & document capture

More information:
PDF Datasheet on Tungsten Capture
PDF Technical Specification on Tungsten Capture

Can be extended with our components listed below.

Tungsten Transformation

Information extraction

Tungsten Mobile Capture

Mobile information capture

Tungsten VRS Elite

Digital image optimization

Tungsten Insight and Monitor

Browser-based analytics and system monitoring

Tungsten Express

Stand-alone capture solution

Expansion of Tunsten Automation solutions with components developed by softgate

To give an existing Tungsten solution even more input, softgate has developed a wide range of components over the course of its long-standing partnership with Tungsten. There are differences between connecting to the traditional Tungsten solutions (Tungsten Capture™) and the new platforms such as Tungsten TotalAgility®.

For TotalAgility, we have developed basic processes, known as enhancement packages, for various areas. These are preconfigured subprocesses that have yet to be customized to the customer’s individual requirements through services. Enhancement packages can be integrated quickly into processes that are under development, accelerating their completion.

softgate components for extending Tungsten Capture

  • softgate Tungsten Capture Export Connector softgate-archiv
  • softgate Tungsten Capture Export Connector IKAROS
  • softgate Tungsten Capture Export Connector OpenText
  • softgate Tungsten Capture Export Connector ERP
  • softgate Tungsten Capture Export Connector Advanced TXT/CSV
  • softgate Tungsten Capture License WatchDog
  • softgate Scan & Barcode Panel
  • softgate Tungsten Capture Basic rules for capturing enforcement orders
  • softgate Tungsten Capture Basic rules for invoice capture

softgate enhancement packages for extending Tungsten TotalAgility

softgate has produced basic processes for extending TotalAgility for

  • Connecting IKAROS
  • Connecting softgate-archiv
  • Reading court invoices
  • Reading enforcement orders
  • Volume consumption
  • Reading invoices

Sven Kaiser

Bereichsleiter Digital Business

Contact us:

Please feel free to reach out to my team and me if you have any questions. We would be happy to give you an initial overview of how you can achieve your individual goals with our efficient solutions.

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